Thursday, April 9, 2009

Chocolate Cake; or, what I did last night instead of grading papers

Last night, Scott and I made a delicious chocolate cake from my All Cooked Up Elvis cookbook. All I can say is YUM. I'll post the recipe later. :)

I am doing a ton of reading for my history course, so I don't have much time to blog, but I wanted to say that I'm formulating a tentative list of books for my readathon! I'm going to have one for each of my classes, and then maybe a little one just for me. I'm two-thirds of the way through Lois Lowry's Giver series, which has The Giver, Gathering Blue, and The Messenger. I'll probably read the last book during my 'thon. The others will have to be school books, but I'm going to try to make some little goals for myself to spice it up. Any suggestions?

Love to the fam, KB


Veronica said...

Oh my gosh, "The Giver" is like MY TOP FAVORITEST BESTEST FRIEND BOOK EVER! I think I've read it a dozen times, beginning in fifth grade. The last time I read it was right before grad school, and now you've convinced me to read it again! I have never read the other two, but I own "Gathering Blue." I think its time has come!!! Also -- the cake batter looks DELICIOUS!!

Sharone, Uncloned said...

Oh, I have been just dying to bake for weeks now - probably inspired by your yummy birthday cupcakes! No kidding, I spent about 45 minutes the other night looking through my cupcake cookbook and drooling. I think your chocolate cake fabulousness has inspired me to make my dreams a reality :)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Can you hear me squeeling with joy? :) On Sunday I have a big long post ALL about the read-a-thon--I seriously could not be any more excited.

Loved the Giver--I haven't read the follow-up books, but I bet they'd be a great choice for the read-a-thon.

And yes--please post a recipe of the cake. Looks hip shakin' good (or whatever Elvis thing would be appropriate).